Andrija Karaklajic
was born on November 9,1980. in Belgrade, where he finished elementary and high school. He began with folk dance in 1992. in KUD “Dimitrije Koturovic”, in Rakovica when he was 12 years old. As a very young, he showed great dance talent and soon progressed to AKUD “Branko Krsmanovic”, where he recorded great artistic achievements as soloist of the highest level. In 2003. he started working in the National Ensemble “KOLO” and also, very quickly became a soloist. A few years later, Andrija became an instructor and an assistant for the National Folk Dance Ensemble. After only few years he reached the artistic and pedagogical peak in folklore. With the arrival at the head of KUD “Dimitrije Koturovic” Andrija integrated all of his dancing, pedagogic and artistic experience. Firstly, he focused his attention to systematic work, education and establishing quality interpersonal relationships. Under his leadership the Ensemble recorded growing number of members, new sections were formed, eminent artists started cooperating with Ensemble and new choreographies were introduced. The Ensemble performed at the most prestigious scenes and festivals in Serbia.
Vojislav Zivic – Bachelor of Music Performance – violin
born on July 09th, 1998.
chief of the national orchestra
in Koturovic since 2020.
Visnja Karaklajic – Soloist in the National Ensemble “Kolo”
born on June 26th, 1978.
vocal pedagogue
in Koturovic since 2013.
Dragan Stankovic – Mechanical Technician
born on December 28th, 1975.
artistic director of the children ensemble
in Koturovic since 1987.
Aleksandar Petrovic – Bachelor of Organizational Science
born on April 4th,1989.
dance pedagogue
in Koturovic since 2003.
Milan Isailovic – Professional medical-laboratory technologist
born on November 8th, 1982.
dance pedagogue
in Koturovic since 2002.
Isidora Rankovic – Graduated dancer of traditional Serbian dances, Faculty of law student
born on March 17th, 1999.
dance pedagogue
in Koturovic since 2008.
Milica Jovanovic – Bachelor of Economics
born on December 8th, 1989.
dance pedagogue
in Koturovic since 2003.
Milica Todorovic – Faculty of Business Studies and Law student
born on August 1st, 2000.
dance pedagogue
in Koturovic since 2008.
Kristina Jezdimirovic – Academy of Technical and Artistic Vocational Studies student
born on September 26th, 2003.
dance pedagogue
in Koturovic since 2013.
Katarina Popovic – Bachelor Pedagogue of music
born on January 13th, 2002.
assistant of vocal pedagogue and music pedagogue in the nursery group
in Koturovic since 2009.